Sophie, England, 20, loves; cute little girly things, Disney, Owls, Shopping,My family and pets! Follow me on instagram @sophiieelaurenn193 Follow me on twitter @sophieelauren19 Follow me on pinterest
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Christmas Time...
Hello, I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas, and got everything you wished for.
I had a lovely Christmas and got spoilt. I love and appreciate everything I got for christmas, so thank you family love you all loads<3
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Teddy Bear....
The teddy bear collection is a range of items for your bedroom from dunelm which are perfect for cold wintery nights. They keep you so warm. Dunelm do these items in a range of colours so it suits anyone's bedroom. I got a sheet to go on my bed in my little flat, it was only £9.99 for a single. I love it, it makes my bed so cosy at night and it makes your bed feel more comfortable to. xx
Monday, 15 December 2014
Chamilia Charm Bracelet.
i thought i would post about my chamilia charm bracelet. I bought this a few weeks ago from hsamuels as they have a deal on at the minute where you get a charm and bracelet for £50 instead of £100 you can also get beads and charms 3 for 2 but I didn't buy any. Also at the time I bought my bracelet they gave you a £20 voucher off your next purchase starting in January. The charm is super sparkley and has swarovski elements in. The only reason I really wanted this bracelet is because of the Disney charms especially the Thumper one which seems to have sold out everywhere so I will have to keep an eye out. <3
Monday, 1 December 2014
hello to anyone reading this...
Do you ever get them days where your just fed up of everything, when you hate everything about yourself and look at everyone else and think why cant I be like them and I should have done everything they have by now. Them days when your just not good enough and everything has just gone wrong. The days that just last forever and ever and it just seems like that feeling of darkness is never going to end. It is awful and it seems like no one ever understands not even your closest friends and family.
just a little picture to say how amazing you are and dont forget it! lots of love xx

Sunday, 16 November 2014
a little update...
hello everyone,
I haven't blogged in ages but decided I wanted to start blogging again, because I enjoy reading everyone else's blogs and it give me something to do.
Here is a picture of my birthday cake my parents got me for my 20th Birthday which was back in October. I love it! it had marble cake inside which was really yummy. its pink, princessey and just perfect for me <3 THANKYOU MUM&DAD<3
Saturday, 5 April 2014
Cath Kidston
Hello Lovelies, If you follow me on instagram, you will have probably seen my picture of my cath kidston parcel. As there was free delivery last weekend and last chance to buy I decided to treat myself to the 'strawberry fields' weekend bag and ticket holder. I had seen the strawberry fields bag a while ago and really liked it but for £60 it was out of my price range and I wasn't really sure when I was going to use it. Then I got an email saying it was in the 'last chance to buy section' and for only £34 I decided to buy it. As I was scrolling down the page, I noticed you could get a ticket holder to match and this will come in very useful as I have to catch the train everyday to work so also decided to purchase this. The ticket holder was also in the sale for £4 down from £6. Love Soph xx
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Flowery Sandals
Hello Everyone, Today has gone so fast and I don't even know why. As its mothers day today we went out for breakfast and for tea we are having an Indian take away- YUM! I love my mum so much I really don't know what I would do without her so thank you for everything mum if you ever read this. Anyway I got these cute little flower sandals from select for £5.00, they are made from like a jelly material and are a coral colour. They only had coral in my select so I'm not sure if they have different colours in other shops. Love Soph xx
Saturday, 29 March 2014
New Boots
Hello Everyone,
I got these new boots from Dorothy Perkins in the sale they should have been £45 but were reduced to £25 which is good. They have a chunky heel and gold buckle detail on. They keep your feet warm and dry which is brilliant if its rainy outside. I find these boots very comfortable and I wore them with a skater skirt and top. Thanks for checking out my blog posts. Love Soph xx
Saturday, 8 March 2014
Lazy Saturday
hello everyone,
Hope your all well and enjoying your weekend! I've not done much today, just had a lazy day. I went for a wander into town and then came home, baked some cakes and read magazines. We also ordered a little takeaway. I did buy some really cute limited edition dairy milk with bunnies on and the new glamour magazine but that's it. Love Soph xx
Sunday, 2 March 2014
Three February Favourites
Hello Everyone, I thought I would do my February Favourites post, It didn't seem like I bought much in feb even though I did but it was more food based than clothes, shoes and accessories. This month I picked my Thomas Sabo tiger charm, my pink ballerina shoes and hot chocolate with squirty cream and chocolate pieces. These have all put a smile on my face and definitely cheered me up. Feel free to comment your feb faves and leave your blog links below. Love Soph xx
hot chocolate,
Thomas Sabo,
Saturday, 1 March 2014
Surprise Homemade Gift
Hello everyone, my Nanna and Grandad came round today and bought me these cute little homemade gifts. My Nanna is very creative, and is very good at making things(I wish I was as good as her). I told my nanna a while a go that I wanted to learn how to crochet, so as a surprise she decided to make me this beautiful bag with matching roll and fill it with some crochet hooks, scissors and wool. How Cute! All I need to do is buy a book about how to crochet and begin learning. I really love getting homemade surprises they are so thoughtful and cute. Love Soph xx
Sunday, 23 February 2014
New Charm
hello lovelies,
so I bought another new charm for my Thomas Sabo bracelet, yay. It was only because it was in the sale. I'd never actually seen the baby tiger charm so its probably an older one but I'm not sure, it is real though as it has the Thomas Sabo engraved logo on it. It's so cute, its got a baby pink nose and ears so it adds a bit of colour to my bracelet and black engraved stripes running down its back. It was only £20.00 and should have originally cost £50.00 so it saves £30.00 which is definitely a good bargain and means you can go and buy more things :). Finally I just want to say thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog, it means a lot! Love Soph xx
Saturday, 22 February 2014
New Shoes
hello everyone,
So I ordered these new shoes from and I'd never ordered from there before but i always checked it when I was online shopping before. Anyway I saw these gorgeous pink glittery ballerina shoes (£5 + £3.95 delivery) and just had to have them! they are soo cute and they fit perfectly. Luckily they had some in my size as everything on the website seems to go out of stock quick. I would recommend this website but if you see something you love and its in your size you have to buy it quick otherwise you may not get it again. Love Soph xx
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Hot Chocolate
Hello Everyone,
So its Sunday again :( the weekends go way too fast! and I want to do a million other things before I even think about getting ready for work tomorrow. To cheer myself up, I made a gorgeous hot chocolate with squirty cream and chocolate 'counters' in one of my favourite mugs. Feel free to comment and tell What cheers you up? Love Soph xx
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Hello Everyone,
Today I decided to make some homemade brownies, I've never made brownies before so it was completely new to me. I got the recipe from a be-ro book which we've had in the cupboard for ages. I swapped some of the ingredients such as plain chocolate for milk chocolate and the dark brown sugar for light brown sugar just to use up some of the things in the cupboards and they still tasted nice so I don't think it made much difference. If you wanted to make some you could check the be-ro website it might say on there or just Google chocolate brownies I'm sure there's plenty around. These would make cute gifts, you could pop the brownies in a jar and decorate it (I made some for my grandparents so did this.) Love Soph xx
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Three January favourites
hello everyone,
I haven't posted for a while because I've not really had chance, I've been working all week and spent this weekend at my lovely grandparents. Its always nice spending time with them. So this post is about my three favourites for January, I found it quite hard picking just three, as I have bought quite a lot of new things this month. My first favourite item has to be my cosy bunny jumper (I have posted about this quite a lot)I just love it so much! Second has to be my Michael Kors watch because I'm soo happy I finally have one. My third item has to be my Marie mug from Disneyland because its cute, girly and holds amazing memories. What have your favourites been this month? feel free to leave a comment. Love Soph xx
Sunday, 26 January 2014
snuggley sunday-ootd
Hello lovelies,
Its been raining today, its cold and everyone's got that typical Sunday feeling. There nothing to do, nothing on TV and its Monday tomorrow. The good thing though is that we all get to stay cosy and warm inside our lovely homes yay! So today I am wearing one of my favourite jumpers my bunny jumper from Topshop! (£25.00 in the sale) its so fluffy, warm and cute and perfect for those cold rainy days. Its white with a black bunny face on and its made using angora wool. Enjoy your day. Love Soph xx
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Nail Varnish Storage
Hello again,
I thought I would write about my nail varnish storage.I love nail varnish, but I have soo many bottles that I struggled to find space to store them and I didn't want to buy the clear stands that everyone buys as I'd need quite a few, and I only have a small room. So instead I decided to use my Cath Kidston wash bag (from the cath kidston store) to store them in. Its really useful because it has a little hook so I can hang them up and it still looks pretty. Its has a pocket in the bottom which I use to store my brushes and nail art pens so its all kept together. I thought I would just give you another idea for nail varnish storage or more make up storage, its up to you. Love Soph xx
nail varnish,
ootd- Jumpsuit
Hello my lovelies,
Today I thought I would do an outfit of the day post, yay! I finally got a chance to wear my jumpsuit that I bought a couple of weeks ago. I got it from in the sales so it cost just £20 including Postage, which was a bargain. Its black and has gold zip detailing on the top, its made of like silky material so its quite shiny but very comfortable. I wore it with my red blazer which was from Primark and also some red flat shoes, also from Primark. Accessories wise I just wore my Michael Kors watch and had my hair to one side. I love this jumpsuit because you can dress it up or down, when you go out all you need to do is swap flats for heels and it will look very glamourous.I have posted a quick video on my youtube channel so check it out if you like.Love Soph xx
Friday, 24 January 2014
Michael Kors Watch
Hello guys,
This is my 10th post on here :) So I thought I would do it on my gorgeous Michael Kors watch (eek) I haven't had it long but I have wanted one for ages. I actually got it from Amazon, I didn't realise they sold Michael Kors watches until I had an email through. It was on offer for £130 instead of £200 although I think they might have gone down a bit more now. It's the traditional pretty rose gold colour, it has three dials on the face, it also shows the date and obviously the time (mine isn't set up correctly, but I don't care, it has the right time though!)If you do buy it online you will need to take it to a shop to get it adjusted but it doesn't take long.
Love Soph xx

Wednesday, 22 January 2014
10 Things I Love
hello lovelies,
I thought I would write a blog post about 10 things I love just so you can get to know me a little bit better :) I'm not writing them in any particular order. Feel free to leave a comment.
1. My Family- They are ALWAYS there for me and give me so much support, honestly don't know what I would do without them. I LOVE YOU :)!
2. My Pets- I have a labradoodle called Molly and a cat called Bella, They never fail to put a smile on my face.
3. Shopping- Who doesn't love shopping :)
4. Mascara- I love mascara definitely one of the best inventions.
5. Disney- fairytales, magic and imagination- makes dreams come true!
6. Owls- They are just really cute.
7. Bows- Cute and girly.
8. The Colour Pink- Its my favourite colour and makes everything so much prettier.
9. My Bedroom- Its pink (obviously) and flowery and cosy and just a place to hide away.
10.Perfumes- I just love them.
Love Soph xx

Monday, 20 January 2014
Thomas Sabo Bracelet
So I thought I would write a post about my Thomas Sabo bracelet. Now I actually got my bracelet for Christmas, which was a complete surprise so I was over the moon when I opened it :) My parents had left it in its original box and bag but wrapped it up (in Disney princess paper, eek).It came with a really cute little heart charm with love engraved on it.
I wanted to buy a bow charm for it but the charms are quite expensive so as I also have a Pandora bracelet I thought I'd buy the new bow charm for that instead as its a little bit cheaper. In the end though I decided to treat myself and buy the gorgeous silver sparkly bow charm for my Thomas Sabo bracelet and even though it was £50 it was definitely worth the money :).
Love Soph xx
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Hello guys,
So I watch YouTube videos a lot, and have been debating whether to start a YouTube channel of my own or not as I'm not a very confident person and I wouldn't really know what to say. Eventually after a few years I have decided to go for it, I have posted just a little introduction video on there for now but it will basically be about the things I post on my instagram and blog only just with abit more detail.
If you are interested the link is thanks,
Love Soph xx
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Juicy Couture
Hello lovelies,
So today I went into town with my mum, just for a walk round really (there isn't not many good shops where I live) and then ended up going into boots. Whilst in there I noticed they had the Viva La Juicy 'Couture Essentials Kit' for £30 when its usually £60. I have wanted this perfume set for a while now but sadly £60 is a lot of money when your not rich, so today I just had to have it!.
Juicy Couture's Viva La Juicy perfume is quite a sweet scent and I love sweet smelling perfumes so its perfect for me! I also love bows and as the bottle has beautiful pink bow on, I really needed it!.I think the bottle in this set is only a 30ml one, although I'm really not too sure. As this is a set it also includes a pink cosmetic bag, perfume rollerball and lip gloss duo, nail varnish duo and a cute little stiletto charm.
Love Soph xx
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So today I went into town with my mum, just for a walk round really (there isn't not many good shops where I live) and then ended up going into boots. Whilst in there I noticed they had the Viva La Juicy 'Couture Essentials Kit' for £30 when its usually £60. I have wanted this perfume set for a while now but sadly £60 is a lot of money when your not rich, so today I just had to have it!.
Juicy Couture's Viva La Juicy perfume is quite a sweet scent and I love sweet smelling perfumes so its perfect for me! I also love bows and as the bottle has beautiful pink bow on, I really needed it!.I think the bottle in this set is only a 30ml one, although I'm really not too sure. As this is a set it also includes a pink cosmetic bag, perfume rollerball and lip gloss duo, nail varnish duo and a cute little stiletto charm.
Love Soph xx
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Friday, 17 January 2014
Disney Haul
Hello Lovelies,
I thought I would post about all the things I bought whilst I was in Disney, I miss it sooo much I just wish I could go back! I took 80 euros to spend and this is what I got; A gorgeous baby Marie (From Aristocats) teddy, Some Minnie Mouse ears which you just have to have! A new phone case with Minnie Mouse on, Aristocats keyring, Minnie Mouse pen, Marie Mug which I absolutely love, it has pink sparkly bits on the back (its so pretty) I will post pictures! I also got a beautiful bracelet with bows on, a pink string bracelet with a Mickey Mouse charm on and Last but not least mum got me and my brothers a pez sweet thingy.
I Love All The Things I Got!
Love Soph xx
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